It was discussed at the 10th District Mid-Winter on January 11, that volunteers are very much needed at the Armed Forces Center in Minnesota.
The AFSC is a one-of-a-kind facility, supported by a volunteer workforce and contributions (financial and in-kind product donations) received from various veterans’ organizations, corporate and personal contributors. We are not affiliated with the USO, and we do not receive funds from the US Government.
You can sign up to volunteer online for a variety of duties such as:
Welcoming traveling military guests
Checking eligibility identification
Limited food preparation
Offering Center amenities
Light housekeeping
Other miscellaneous activities
You can find out more on their website at: https://www.mnafsc.org/volunteer-ii/
Armed Forces Service Center
4300 Glumack Drive – LT, A-2021
MSP International Airport
St. Paul, MN 55111
(612) 726-9156
Email address: contact@mnafsc.org