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The Mighty 10th District

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Free Online Tools 

Check out these free tools to help you fundraise & advertise

Zeffy - Fundraise online or sell tickets for events

Zeffy is specifically for non-profit organizations, fees associated with credit card charges are crowd funded through the platform. So, it doesn't cost you anything.

It's free and easy to use once you're set up. The only downside is getting the bank information in place to receive your payouts. To make it easy for you, here's a list of what you'll need:

  • A phone or computer with a camera and internet

  • Bank Account # and Routing #

  • Your 403C information

  • An authorized check signer present with their ID

They require a face ID recognition during the set up process, so set aside about 15 minutes with your authorized signer (in person) to get it done.

Poster My Wall - Create Flyers & Posters online with templates

This service is completely free and is pretty easy to use. The only downside is it will print with verbiage on the bottom of your design that indicates it was made on m PMW. Not a huge deal and worth trying if you struggle to make eye catching flyers with MS Word.

MN Bar Bingo - Free Bingo & Meat Raffle Directory

List your weekly Bingo & Meat Raffle events for free on MN Bar Bingo. There is no downside to it, especially since they send you an email every couple of months to ensure your information is still accurate. Highly recommend getting listed. The more places you're found online, the better.

Twin Cities Bingo - Free Bingo Directory

This is another free Bingo listings website. There is no downside, basically just set it and forget it. Again, having your events listed in a variety of places is always a plus!

YayText - Spice up your Social Media Text

YayText is a super simple tool that will allow you to use bold, italics, and other fun fonts in your social media posts to gain attention. Simply drop your text into the entry box and click copy next to the font you want. Just be careful not to go over board. (View a good example)

Emojipedia - A full library of emoji's for your Social Media Posts

Another really super simple tool to use, simply search an item, topic, or emotion and find loads of emoji's to choose from. Click the copy button next to it and paste it into your social media post. Pretty simple and 100% free.

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